Monday, February 1, 2010

So I can't stop myself...

So today I went to throw away the envelope that my Uncle sent me seeds in and realized there was one more little bag of tomato seed I didn't even see. A variety called Boxcar Willie! I've seen this variety a number of times and now I get to try it out.

That compounded with the fact that I ordered more seed today means that I have a real problem. A bunch of plants that I want to have - vs - not that much space to plant them. I'll definitely have to figure something out.

I added to my original list which brings the total so far to:

Paul Robeson (the favorite)
Boxcar Willie
Gold Medal
Black Krim
Yellow Oxheart
Yellow Mortgage Lifter
Lemon Boy
Better Boy
Green Zebra
Red Zebra
An organic Tasty Evergreen
Japanese Black Trifele
and Nyagouos (another purple/black variety)

So my list is growing. I don't want it to really but I can't help myself. I'm going to need to talk to someone about some land ha!

I hope to update from here on out weekly and plan on doing some how/to posts including but not limited to:

How to make your own salad boxes
How to make your own seed starting/growing shelves complete with lights.

Hope everyone is well.


  1. So happy to see an update! Winter is a time to dream of warmer days. Love the list of great names. My fav is Boxcar Willy.

  2. Just thought you be interested to know that your Aunt Cat just called you "Mater". He's my favorite in the movie CARS. I think it works just fine for you.
    Uncle W.

  3. Oh...and I like your new Blog Header photo...nicely done.
    -Uncle W.

  4. Ha! I'm still mad because I can tell it's like 1 pixel shorter in width than the menu border below it but it's probably only me that sees it. I just edited the size of the picture in paint.

    I do like the picture though. Funny, when I took it I was trying to do a close up or macro shot of the tomato flowers but they came out blurry and the leaves in the background came out in-focus. Tomatoes I can grow, cameras I can't work so well... I need some tips from your wife!

