Saturday, January 30, 2010


So there's 10 or 12 inches of snow on the ground... so what? We can still all dream about planting our tomato plants can't we?

I'm going to try a little harder this year to post more pictures and maybe even some video on the who, what and where. I just got some seeds in the mail from my Uncle George including Black Krim and Yellow Oxheart. This should be a fun year as tomatoes go.

I learned quite a bit from last year.

1. I need a bigger garden ha!
2. Flagging tape does hold up tomato plants but DOESN'T hold up tomato plants with tomatoes on them.
3. I know what didn't do well last year and what did.

As far as #1 is concerned, I'm going to address that to a point. Last year I had a strip of grass big enough for my tractor to fit down the center of the garden to get my clippings to the compost. I'm going to turn most of that back into usable soil. That at least would give me another two rows of tomatoes.
I'm not going to mess with cherry tomatoes this year. They did great last year but I personally could care less about them. My list of tomatoes that I want to plant is this:

Paul Robeson (the favorite)
Gold Medal
Black Krim
Yellow Oxheart
Yellow Mortgage Lifter
Lemon Boy
Better Boy
Green Zebra
Maybe a new Green Variety...

Now, instead of the 17 varieties I had last year, I can plant more of the tomatoes I really want to eat!

As for #2... I found out the hard way and toooooo late that flagging tape just won't hold tomato plants full of tomatoes to stakes. I did come away with three smaller rolls of concrete wire from the job site this fall so there's at least 7 or 8 more cages right there. I guess I will go spend the 70 dollars per roll and at least buy one, which would give me another 20 25 cages. With my slimmed down list and # of plants I should be fine adding those to what I already have.

Enjoy the Snow everyone... at least everyone around here...


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